Alfred LeBeau pointing out impact area
following 17 Nov 70 rocket and mortar
attack. The back of Supply Room looked
like these barrels.(70)
(Photo courtesy Alfred LeBeau)
CWO Gaylord Bishop, A/C (R) and
CWO Bill Moncuse (L) taking a break?
while on Ash & Trash mission
near Xuan Loc Oct. 1970
(Photo courtesy Bill Moncuse)
(Photo courtesy Darrell Burkhalter)
(Photo courtesy Darrell Burkhalter)
(Photo courtesy Darrell Burkhalter)
(Photo courtesy Darrell Burkhalter)
"Aussie" Gun-ships on UH-1H,(70)
(Photo courtesy Darrell Burkhalter)

ACV's on land, not water. (70)
(Photo courtesy Darrell Burkhalter)
"French Villa" on N. side of Highway
1 near
Xuan Loch(70)
(Photo courtesy Duane Speirs)
The other side of "French Villa"(must
have been
circling looking for the girl in th bathing
(Photo courtesy Duane Speirs)
On final approach to Vo Su airfield, just
of Vo Dat and Xuan Loc. Area known in early
years as "The Rice Bowl"(70)
(Photo courtesy Duane Speirs)
Abe Abrehamson in his room. (70)
(Photo courtesy Darrell Burkhalter)
CPT Frank Basaldua with
Red Bird 9.(70)
(Photo courtesy Frank Basaldua)
Herschelman (crewmember) and
Larry Smith (pilot) enjoying
a beer after a hard day at the
(Photo courtesy Frank Basaldua)
Dale Moore checking out a
.45 cal. "Grease-Gun" with Lawrence
Smith holding a modified carbine.(70)
(Photo courtesy Frank Basaldua)
CPT Francisco "Frank" Basaldua
was 1st Plt Cmdr in late 1969 & 1970.
(Photo courtesy Joe Basaldua)
Landis Thompson and Lawrence Smith
on an off day (70).
(Photo courtesy Frank Basaldua)
Dale Moore in his room with typical Hi-Fi
equipment bought from the PX
and shipped home. Bet he still has it??(70)
(Photo courtesy Dale Moore)
POL fire possibly at An Loc.(70)
(Photo courtesy Dale Moore)
A real "confined area" landing.
Note the UH-1
in the tiny clearing in the center of the
(Photo courtesy Dale Moore)
A closer shot of the "confined area"
LZ. Looks
like the rotor has cut a few banana leaves.(70)
(Photo courtesy Dale Moore)
Foot path entrance to the Thunderbird area
of the
145th Battalion's Spartan Heliport at
Bien Hoa Airbase.(70)
(Photo courtesy Duane Speirs)
Short final of "staggered right"
flight of Thunderbirds.
Note red smoke ahead and between the two
Also note the dark smoke from Bandit rockets
providing covering fire to left of LZ.(70)
(Photo courtesy Dale Moore)
Landing to the South at lane 3 of Spartan
aka "The Bird Cage.(70)
(Photo courtesy Dale Moore)
Catching a few winks on stand-by is
WO Victor A.Fiorini.(70)
(Photo courtesy Dale Moore)
J. D. Badgley with a puppy & staying
cool. (70)
For a tragic story about this puppy and how
"Combat" was brought back
to the USA click
(Photo courtesy J. D. Badgley)

Duane Speirs(70)
(Photo courtesy J. D. Badgley)
Mike Cantarini(70)
(Photo courtesy J. D. Badgley)
Bill Hirtle, Thunderbird 10 standing beside
"Blue 6" following engine failure
autorotation to MUD! Hirtle was a unit IP
and happened to be flying at the time with
Joe Lemeiux. The incident took place
near Tan An. No word as to how
Blue 6 was extracted!!(70)
(Photo courtesy Joe Lemieux)
Aerial view of Loc Ninh and the beautiful
rubber plantations, still in operation
in 1970.
(Photo courtesy Joe Lemieux)
Thunderbird 1 (69)
(Photo courtesy Darrell Burkhalter)

(Photo courtesy Darrell Burkhalter)

(Photo courtesy Darrell Burkhalter)
Flying over the "Plain of Reeds"
(Photo courtesy Darrell Burkhalter)
J. D. Badgley's puppy "Combat"
unidentified pilot.(70)
(Photo courtesy J. D. Badgley)
CW2 Dan Peterson with apparent headache
or saying prayer! (70)
(Photo courtesy J. D. Badgley)
CW2 Dan Peterson in Thunderbird 2
(don't know what platoon). Note eagle
on nose is much more artistically enhanced.
(Photo courtesy J.D. Badgley)
CW2 Dan Peterson marking grease
penciled landings, paxs or cargo on the handy
plexiglass window.(70)
(Photo courtesy J. D. Badgley)
Lam Son operations hut of 5th ARVN
Division West of Cu Chi.(70)
(Photo courtesy Joe Lemieux)
Typical Thunderbird formation. (70)
(Photo courtesy Joe Lemieux)
(Photo courtesy Darrell Burkhalter)
(Photo courtesy Darrell Burkhalter)
Another unidentified pilot in his hooch.
Please email Webmaster
you can identify him.(70-71)
(Photo courtesy J. D. Badgley)
His puppy named "Combat" held by
J. D. "Dan"
Badgley. The other fella with mouth
open is
believed to be mark Overbee !!
For short story about what happened
to "Combat" click
here (70-71)
(Photo courtesy J. D. Badgley)
The Thunderbird Club bar in Officer's area
at Bailey Compound.(69-70)
(Photo courtesy Lawrence B. Smith)
A close-up of DROS Board in photo to
left. Over the years the DROS Board
changed to show red, blue, yellow and
white colored tags designating 1st,
2nd, 3rd Platoon and white for others
in the unit or maintenance.(70)
(Photo courtesy Lawrence B. Smith)
Sunrise behind 118th Thunderbird hanger.
(Photo courtesy Greg Reynolds)
David E. Abbott being "hawked"
Vietnamese woman and daughter at
unknown location. (70-71)
(Photo courtesy Greg Reynolds)
Sign in front of 118th Orderly Room (70)
(Photo courtesy Alfred LeBeau)
Gale Truitt and Miss Nugyet outside
Thunderbird Club. Note book of
Thunderbird drink coupons in his
shirt pocket.(70)
(Photo courtesy Lawrence B. Smith)
Great photo showing Thunderbirds in
Staggered-Left formation en route to
(Photo courtesy Wayne Guffy)
Lawrence "Larry" B. Smith with
cast on
L foot he broke at 9 Mar 70 party!
(Note "FTA" on revetment in yellow
....indicative of attitude in later
years of the war).
(Photo courtesy Lawrence B. Smith)
Crew Chief of Red 10, Jose "Joe"
Bruno (69-71)
showing his issued Smith & Wesson M# 17.
Location was an ARVN Camp near
(Photo courtesy Greg Reynolds)
Harold "DE" Young, shortly after
returning from Vietnam.
(Photo courtesy of DE Young)
Greg Reynolds leaning on horizontal
stablizer after having landed on a
roof top somewhere in Saigon. (71)
(Photo courtesy Greg Reynolds)
A neat photo of Red 11 heading out
morning to mission and above thin
and patchey fog.(71)
(Photo courtesy Greg Reynolds)
"Swamp Fox IV" which was in the
2nd Platoon. (71)
(Photo courtesy Rock Lyons)
Typical gathering on wash day by Mamsons
outside the water purification plant.
Note box of Tide, probably purchased from
PX. (71)
(Photo courtesy Rock Lyons)
Getting ready to "pull pitch" with
Viet Cong
POW behind pilot's seat. (71)
(Photo courtesy Rock Lyons)
This space waiting on your photo!!! |