Denver, CO--July 4, 2001

During the annual Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association reunion in Denver, CO from July 2-7, 2001, a mini-reunion of former pilots of the 33rd Transportation Company and 118th Thunderbirds was also held. 23 former Thunderbirds pre-registered and then 3 more showed up making the total 26. This group was the largest number of former Thunderbird pilots to attend a VHPA reunion anyone could ever remember going back to about 1986. Plus, it was the second largest number of Thunderbird pilots to ever come together since the 1990 Thunderbird reunion in Atlanta, GA which was hosted by Dr. Marvin Marchman(former 118th Flight Surgeon in 1967)and Jim Thorne, former Bandit 36. (See below some names and photos of that first reunion in 1990).

One very interesting fact of the mini-reunion in Denver was that the entire 9 years that the Thunderbirds existed in Vietnam were represented. Kenneth Stanton came over on the boat in Sep 1962 and Dennis Gulich was there when all equipment and aircraft were turned over to the VNAF! A complete representation.


July 4, 2001

(Photo courtesy Jack Swickard)
Floor (L to R)--Charles Williams, Jr. (64); Tom Payne (66-67); Reed Kimzey (66-67); Gil Ferrey (66).
Seated (L to R)--Frank Maus (63-64); Les Valouche (63-64); Mike Hurley (64-65); Kenneth Stanton (62-63); Tom Watson (63-64); Jack Swickard (67-68); Jim Thorne (67-68).
Back (L to R)--Louis Palombo (65-66); Tom Baca (66-67); Glenn Clark (69-70); Don Abrams (70-71);
Ronald Suess (70-71); Dennis Gulich (70-71); Lee Beavers (68); Duane Speirs (69-70); Warren George (65-66).
(Not in photo- Leroy Spivey (69); Ronny Ross (68-69); Jim Ellis (65-66); Tom Story (67-68); Bob Stewart (69): Ted Jambon (65-66).
Angus Desveaux (66) and Dan Grigsby (68) were both registered, but could not attend).


(L to R) Ronny Ross (68-69); Leroy Spivey (69); Tom Story (67-68)
(Photo courtesy Tom Payne)

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