Typical Street in Bien Hoa. In fact this
very near the old theater and traffic circle.
The famous water tower just outside
the Bien Hoa Air Base.
Cong Ly street looking West toward the river.
It is two way now instead of one way back
years ago. It has been
renamed Vo Thi Sau street.
The fancy, fenced General ? home that was
across the street from the 118th "Thunderbird" Villa.
Today it is the Dept of Foreign Affairs for the government.
The building beneath the two Communist flags
and behind the long blue sign is where the 118th Commander stayed
upstairs and the Thunderbird Lounge was on the first floor.
The tall building with the three long louvered
widows in front is where the 145th HQ and the 197th AWC personnel
lived on Cong Ly Street. As you can see from the sign on top
of the building it is now a 48 room hotel called Hoa Binh.
The building above the clothing shop with
the wash hanging on the line on the balcony is where the 118th
Bandits lived upstairs and the 1st Platoon lived down stairs.
Remember the louvered doors and windows plus the two rows of
round glass decorative pieces above the upstairs windows?
Cong Ly Street looking East while standing
in front of the General ? fenced house.
This street is now named Vo Thi Sau street.
The Bien Hoa air base gate near the tall
water tower where we entered the base some 50 years ago. Much
of the air base has been abandoned, but the original "Bird
Cage" runway is still visible on Google Earth.
L to R: Miss Ha, Miss Thi and Tom Payne at
entrance to the "alley" walk to
Miss Thi's house.
L to R: Miss Thi's Mom(95 years), Miss Thi,
Miss Ha and Tom Payne sitting in the home of Miss Thi.

L to R: Miss Thi's brother, Miss Thi's Mom
and Miss Ha.
Inside Miss Thi's house which is two rooms.
Note the air-conditioner high over the window, but apparently
not used unless very, very hot.
Miss Thi as we ate a wonderful Vietnamese
meal with fried prawn, rice, noodles, greens and rice buns at
the Song Dong Nai Restaraunt which sat beside the Song Dong Nai
L to R: Miss Thi Thi, Tom Payne and Miss
Ha Ha at the Song Dong Nai restaraunt on the banks of the
Song Dong Nai river in Bien Hoa.
L to R: Steve Payne, Miss Thi Thi and Miss
Ha Ha standing in front of what used to the open air market of
Bien Hoa. All enclosed now with an escaltor to the second floor(that
was not operating) it is a busy place with all kinds of shops
and even public bathrooms!!