Harold "Red" Sparling(R) with his
brand new
UH-1B, "Red 3", in late 1963. On
(L) was
a gunner from 25th Inf. Div.
(Photo courtesy "Red" Sparling)
Jack Miller, one of the new Saigon trained
Crew Chiefs standing beside "Red 3".
Note: wonder how tall Jack was?
(Photo courtesy "Red Sparling")
Harold "Red" Sparling (L), with
1st Plt. pilot waiting for Wx to clear. The
UH-1B could carry up to 9 ARVN troopers
per ship! (63)
(Photo courtesy "Red" Sparling)
Jack Miller, Crew Chief on Red 4, shows the
ARVN's how to assault the "enemy." 118th
was on stand-by awaiting the order to launch.
Note the C-123 in the background.(63)
(Photo courtesy "Red" Sparling)
Ron Madsen, was in the Navy from 1950 to
as a enlisted mechanic then got his civilian
ratings in fixed wing and flew professionally.
He then volunteered for the U.S.Army was
transitioned in ORWAC 65-2 and served
1964 to 67 with one year mostly in the
Scorpions of the 118th.(65)
(Photo courtesy Ron Madsen)
1LT Ken Chien, of Chinese heritage, went
through ORWAC 65-2 and served in the
118th, during 65-66
(Photo courtesy Ron Madsen)
PFC Woodberry and SP4 Beaver the happy
crew of fairly new "D" Model.(65)
(Photo courtesy Ron Madsen)
Michael Citrano with all the "comforts
of home", except......! Note LIFE Magazine with LBJ
and Lady Bird Dancing.(1965)
(Photo courtesy Ron Madsen)
CWO James C. Meyers of the 1st Flight
"Scorpion" Platoon(65)
(Photo courtesy Harold "Chip" Austin)
As can be seen, this "B" model
was a Scorpion aircraft. Bet it took a little Right peddle when
flying. After "D" models came this
was accomplished by fixed wing aircraft.(65)
(Photo courtesy Ralph Orlando)
Another view of the 1st Platoon
"Scorpion" sound ship. (65)
(Photo courtesy Bruce Tassin)
This space waiting for your photo!! |
CPT Jack Waters, Platoon Commander 65-66
(Photo courtesy Jack Waters)
PSG Fletcher at the "Birdcage".
Note the
large maintenance hanger in background(65)
(Photo courtesy Jack Waters)
1LTs Elliott and Whimbley the Section
Leadersof the "Scorpions" (65)
(Photo courtesy Jack Waters)
Several of the 1st Platoon Enlisted members
on the flight line.(65)
(Photo courtesy Jack Waters)
CPT Ron Cowden, 1st Plt Commander(66)
(Photo courtesy Tommy Thornton)
L to R: CPT Bobby Thomas, CPT Ron Cowden
and CWO Gerald Genaw (66)
(Photo courtesy Tommy Thornton)

1st Plt Officers, L to R: CPT George
Cunningham , ? , CPT Ted Jambon (66).
(Photo courtesy Tommy Thornton)
1LT James Mills putting on flack vest.
Note prisoner in back on floor.(66)
(Photo courtesy Ted Jambon)
Crankin' her up! CWO Jack Swickard with his
1st Flt Platoon red scarf getting ready to
Jack was also the Awards & Decorations
Officer for the 118th(1967)
(Photo courtesy of Jack Swickard)
" Identify YELLOW smoke!!" Trail
with door guns-at-the-ready going into hot
LZ for extraction in War Zone C.(1967)
(Photo courtesy of Jack Swickard)

A great photo of "Red bird 3" off-loading
ARVN troops in fully grown rice. (67)
(Photo courtesy Don Goodwin)
Radio and relay stations among the clouds
and in the cool air atop the "Black
Virgin Mountain" or Nui Ba Dinh.(1967)
(Photo courtesy of Jack Swickard)
James Morgan (right) with two other
crewmembers of 1st Platoon on
stand-by in front of Redbird 5.(67)
(Photo courtesy James Morgan)
The 118th AHC Motor Pool shop and office.(67)
(Photo courtesy James Morgan)
Buddies, James Richard Adams and ? Taylor.
(Photo courtesy David Adams)
James Richard Adams at the flightline.(67)
(Photo courtesy David Adams)
James Richard Adams at his post in Red 9.(67)
(Photo courtesy David Adams)
James Richard Adams and Red bird 9.(67)
(Photo courtesy David Adams)
Red Bird 10(67)
(Photo courtesy Charles Milan)
Enroute and in formation at 2,500'.(67)
(Photo courtesy Charles Milan)
WO1 Charlie Milan on board Navy ship.(66)
(Photo courtesy Charles Milan)
Red Bird 6 with Crew Chief(unidentified)waiting
to pull the armor and close the door for
the AC.(66)
(Photo courtesy Charles Milan)
Crewmembers from 1st Platoon, Scorpions,
Morgan and Powell.(66)
(Photo courtesy Charles Milan)
WO1 Charlie Milan(66).
(Photo courtesy Charles Milan)
1LT Paul Stimpson who was KIA 22 Apr 1967.
(Photo courtesy Charles Milan
1st Platoon conference. Help ID these people.(66)
(Photo courtesy Charles Milan)
CE James A. Harden checking the rotor system.
He was killed in the aircraft incident on
Jan 17, 1967 near Cu Chi. (66)
(Photo courtesy Johnny Billingsley)
Hamming it up are L to R: WO1 Jost, 1LT Kimzey,
WO1 Rhodes and unidentified MAJ. It was
reported that Kimzey got a tiny scratch!!
(Photo courtesy Johnny Billingsley)
1LT Reed Kimzey standing in a
rubber plantation at Song Be.(66)
(Photo courtesy Johnny Billingsley)
Going to Thunderbird Ops after a hard day.
L to R: WO1 "Dusty" Rhodes and
WO1 James "Heavy" Campbell.(66)
(Photo courtesy Johnny Billingsley)
WO1 Johnny Murry Billingsley(67)
(Photo courtesy Johnny Billingsley)
1LT Steve Etzel doesn't look happy!
Unidentifed PFC in
foreground. (67)
(Photo courtesy Johnny Billingsley)